Occupational Therapy

An Occupational Therapist (OT) is a healthcare professional who assist individuals across the lifespan to perform daily activities and occupations that are meaningful to them. These activities can include self-care, work, leisure, and social participation. OT’s work with people who have physical, psychological, neurological, developmental, or emotional challenges that impact their ability to engage in everyday tasks. Their goal is to enable individuals to live as independently and fully as possible by assessing their needs, developing personalised plans, and using therapeutic techniques to improve, restore, or maintain their functional abilities. There are many different types of Occupational Therapy including a Community Occupational Therapist.

How can OT help me?

Here at Independent Spaces, our heart is to support someone to remain at home by assessing their living environment and identifying any potential barriers to safety and independence. We may then recommend home modifications, such as installing handrails or ramps, and suggest adaptive equipment, like recliner chairs or shower stools to make daily activities easier. The OT can also develop personalised strategies to help the individual manage tasks like cooking, bathing, or moving around safely through task modification. Additionally, we may provide training for caregivers and